Monday, 9 June 2014

My Kitchen Rules

Firstly, my blog has hit a record of 1112 views! I saw 1110 and 1112, but not the all anticipated 1111. I was pretty annoyed with myself! One of those significant numbers are sure to come around again, I just happened to miss this one...

left to right: Frodo and Tiny
Tonight, My Kitchen Rules is back on again - I'm super excited as it's one of Mum's and my favourite programs. The great thing is that it is on three days a week. The not so great thing is those four days in between where we've gotta sit around and wait for it to come back on again. It's a cycle of life, but by the Angel it's frustrating. Anywho, tonight the guys, Harry and Christo are back on for their second round of Instant Restaurants, should be exciting to watch and hopefully they prove themselves from last time. But there's always been this look over the blonde one, Christo, that had me curious. What did that look remind me of? And one day it occured to me - my cat. Tiny, my very long lost kitten always had a bit of a dopey, drowsy look and she'd look up at you with this face that screamed; "Let me please you!" So there it is, every time I look at Christo on TV, and he's got that similar sort of look, I can't help but smile. My little kitten is showing herself again - in an Australian guy of all things! I'll show you the pictures so you can see for yourself. The picture of Christo I found wasn't the best one, as it seems all of these "moments" were only caught on video....

Last Tuesday Mum and I went to our local Take Note store. It's actually slipped my mind as to what we were headed there for in the first place, but there it was sitting on the shelf in its usual spot; the last book of The Mortal Instruments - City of Heavenly Fire. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if you haven't read any of Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments, you're really missing out! Do it! Go to the library, get out one of the Infernal Devices first (you must do this, as they have a big connection) and get that nose glued! Do it!!
I finished that book yesterday, and now I'm into a new book - it's for school this time, don't worry. It's an interesting book so far, called "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson, basically about science and whatnot, but put into a book form, kind of like a journal piece actually, but more professional - obviously! But yeah, so far it's pretty intriguing and the reviews are really good on it too. Should be worth it hopefully.

Yesterday when I got home from work we were out of water. I think it was the washing machines that alerted my brother that they weren't getting any water, then he listened to the water pump groaning, then he checked the tank. It was dry. Okay, so maybe that's a little exaggeration, but it was too low for the outlet pipe, which basically accounts for it being dry! All day we were scavenging around what water we find, and ended up just using bottled water for our hands and that was all we could do. We knew there was a rainstorm coming, so why would we buy a truck load of water? That and they would've made a massive mess on our front lawn if we had called them in, but anyway. So throughout the day we struggled away, no water to do the washing (there just happened to be more than usual - Murphey's Law, no?), no water to wash the dishes. The dishwasher had been almost finished when the water stopped running, but we weren't using any of the cups or plates in there incase the soap hadn't been rinsed off yet. And then we had takeaways for dinner because we couldn't clean up for dinner, or after dinner. Why make more mess? And during the night......the Heavens opened the flood gates. Hallelujah! We actually didn't have much rain yesterday and last night, but it continued to rain all day, very continuous, wetting rain which filled the tank to one third. 
My reaction (quite understandably) was "Sweet, long showers tonight!" Yeah, right!
Usually we'd run out of water like that in summer, when you least expect it or want it to happen. Recently we've filled the spa up and haven't had too much rain, and I guess we figured since it was winter and we were positive it was almost always raining, that we would have plenty of water to go around. What a joke!


  1. Mkr. Mum and Mathew are following that. I'm certainly not. :p

    Ran out of water!? Oops!!! Have you had much rain today. I've been told it's been raining quite a bit sincere yesterday.

  2. Ah you should watch it, there's some pretty nasty people on there, but they make it worth watching :P

    Yup it rained all yesterday, all night and hasn't stopped raining today. At about 10 this morning we were up to 74mm of rain from yesterday until then, so it's really really wet!!

    1. The old fella with his wife. They're a nasty couple. :p

      Ah, well, that's good then.

    2. Not only that, they're a weird couple...I mean, the age difference, like...ummm lol
