Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday

First off - happy Easter!! Hope all my readers have a safe and fun long weekend. I'm not crazy enough to travel (nor do I have the time), but for those that do, keep safe on the roads aye.

Should be fun tonight, we've got a youth night at the youth leaders house. It's always cool going there, play some games, have a spa. The others will probably watch a movie there too. Last Wednesday was skipped, for reasons I don't know, which meant that my friend and I couldn't get together to make the Easter cupcakes we'd planned. Which now means I've got a big bag of Black Knight liquorice, a couple bags of Marshmellows, there was a bag of jelly beans but they um, kinda got lost in transit and never made it to today...(hehe?) It's kinda bad that we've got all that bad food sitting around. I'm not sure how long it will all stay there...

Today has been rather slow. I pulled out two of the three rows of tomato plants, I was intending on mowing some more lawns but my plans were tarnished by a sudden heavy downpour of rain, making the lawn far too wet to touch. I instead got out my cross stitch - which I don't think I've touched since January! We had our first lot of hot cross buns for lunch (It wouldn't be Easter without them!), then I put on the Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl, carried on with my cross stitching and munched on some MnM's that I bought ages ago and hadn't yet touched. Now, there are still some left over, for the record!

One of our youth leaders - who is generally the one who organises all our fun events has planned paintball for next Saturday. Here's an abstract of his post on Facebook - "soldiers willing to lay their bods on the line. So if you ready to cap, shoot and anihilate the enemy then I need your immediate response so I can post the declaration of war. If there is another preferred day to do battle, let me know but as you know, this mans army is no democracy. Do I have your commitment soldiers??"
     He's super fun, really nice, and as you can see he's a pretty good leader for a bunch of teenagers! I've never played paintball before, so it'll be interesting to give it a go. I've heard that people come away with bruises. Oh well, live while you're young, right?!

Apparently I'm not going to OPC because the school never contacted me to let me know. I'm guessing that they were only telling the successful students that they got in. But what is wrong with contacting those who weren't? It's frustrating really, their lack of organisation and order is extremely slack, for all I know, they never received my application! So yet again, all I want to do is go to the main department and shake them into a working order! You'd think that since they are New Zealand's biggest school, they'd be a little more on the operational side. It's jolly frustrating to say the least. Not that I mind not going to OPC, because now it means I'll be able to go to HM Rage! Yay! It'll be my first time going too, so hopefully it's as fun as everybody says it is. It also means I'll have yet another week up my sleeve for school. Mum always goes by the saying, "If it's meant to be, it'll happen". Obviously after missing out on two trips, I'm not meant to be going anywhere for very long, well at least this half of the year. You never know what might pop up.
     In this case, I've signed up for this years metagenomics project. My biology teacher emailed me about it yesterday. Basically it's a biology project that this organisation does and students from 50 high schools around the country join into it. There are seven venues around the country, and it's a one day course and you get to extract DNA from soil and whatnot. It sounds pretty neat, and you get to use the leading technologies etc etc! It sounds fun! I should definitely have a place because I was the first person in Te Kura to say yes. It's a while away yet - end of September, but I'm looking forward to it.

Regarding having an extra week for school, these past couple days I've gotten a sudden burst of enthusiasm - something I've been lacking for a while. So I drew up a plan for next term and in the holidays. The intention is to sit the Statistics internal these holidays which will give me my first 4 credits, finish off my last biology booklet, meaning I'm ready for one biology external. Then over next term the goal is to finish and pass two more Statistics internals (another 8 credits), and finish up to five biology booklets, including one internal research which I'm basing on the Japanese Whaling. Also finish 6 Chemistry booklets (hopefully) including one internal.
That should just leave me with one more statistics internal to do, which will give me 16 credits total, plus one more biology internal and external, and one more chemistry external to do in term 3, meaning hopefully I'm set to actually sit the mock exams in September, and having the usual short term 4 for study. I know the likelihood of achieving all of that might be a little slim, but fingers crossed I can get most of it done. That'll make term 3 easier with all the work to do alongside!

We seem to be getting more fencing work every day now. In the past week the guys have managed to finish one job and I think we've gained another three? Dad's dropped off the posts to the two next jobs he's hoping to do this weekend as they're only little. Then all next week they'll be working full time at a farm to finish off all the fencing that needs to be done by the end of the season. From what I know, there is another three weeks of full fencing after that job is finished. It's crazy! Grandad only worked for us one day, and left for home this morning after a case of gout in his foot meant he couldn't work. It's a little frustrating, but what can we do? So now we're on the look out for somebody who can sit in a tractor and operate it safely just to speed up all the work that needs to be done. I don't know our luck in finding anybody, but hopefully there'll be people keen, as many farmers have been laid off their jobs because of the drought.
     Speaking of the drought, if the rain we're having continues, the drought must be well and truly over! There is no flooding where we are, but heaps everywhere else. When it comes to farming it's either a feast or famine, you can never win. We got 50mm on Wednesday night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like a busy time! Glad to hear you're getting back on track with school!
