Monday, 21 July 2014

Bit Of A Change

I decided that, after 6 months of blogging I needed a change. So, I changed my blog around. Do you like? I did have another background on there, but I was finding it quite difficult to read. However I think this background goes quite well with my blog name - no? Also the writing style, that's more of a "me style", the curly writing that, if I can be bothered, I try to do when I'm actually using a pen.

So the holidays are over (can you hear the excitement?) and somebody today said they were looking forward to the 13 weeks left of her last year of school....wait a minute. 13 WEEKS? No way.... I think I've got a little longer than that, with the whole not being a part of a proper school system. So unlike these unlucky public schoolers, I can and will be working and learning right up until my exam day. Just as well because I've got so much to do! Argh, who knew that the last year would be so stressful? Not only am I meant to pass level 3, but this whole UE thing has added to the workload. What happened to the "get NCEA level 3 and instantly get UE"? But I'm glad I am only doing the 3 subjects, that makes life THAT much easier!

I've gotten myself a permanent job over the holidays - rearing calves. It was meant to be a shared job between Mum and I, but as I seemed to do it more often than Mum, and because Mum has another calf raising job to do as of today, this particular one has become my full time job. I love it! The great thing is that it only takes about 3 hours max from my day right at the moment, the farm owner seems really happy with me and it's going really well. So yes, I'm happy. I only need to raise up to 50 replacement heifer calves, the beef breeds are sold and the bobbies are simple and normal. There's only ever about 3 new calves a day to train and they're all super healthy! It's going great!
     It's also a good motivator for me, because my hours are staying the same, my alarm clock is not constantly having to be changed. Sure, I don't get sleep ins anymore, but I don't exactly struggle out of bed. I know my calves (and the farm owner) are relying on me - I like to be depended on. Most mornings I'm there between 6 and 6:30 to help milk, then once it's light enough I'm free to go and start the feeding. It's also my first calf rearing job that I'm doing on my own. Don't get me wrong, I love working with Mum with the calves, we're a good team so much so that we read each others' minds and rely on each other for suggestions. But it's good to get experience doing it myself. :)
     I think I've been there about three weeks now (?) and I'll be there for quite a while yet. Half of the 180 cow herd has calved now, so it's half-way streamlined into order. Lucky me also gets the job of tagging the replacements - a job I've never had to do because Dad always did it. The farmers son showed me how to do it last week as he had to go back to Uni. It's cool, having more responsibilities, but there's always the worry that I might be doing his job wrong! I haven't been fired yet though ;)

Currently, I'm sick of the rain, we've had two floods in the past week and we got over 60mm on Saturday night. It's not very nice, putting up with the rain full time, but what can we do? I guess farmers are always going to have a problem with Mother Nature, but times like these she starts to get a tad annoying. All we need is some sun to dry us out again!

I'm also on the Study-Link band wagon as of now. I've applied for Student loan and allowance, and part 1 is in the process - organising all of the identity requirements and proof of income and what not. I've heard that Studylink is a "fun" process, but so far it is going well.

I guess the great thing about term 3 is that youth group is back on! What would I do without it? .......probably just chat to calves...haha


  1. Love your new background! ;) And yes, it goes with your title. haha :) The curls are cool too :)

    13 weeks . . . what on earth?! Term 3 is 10 weeks and term 4 is 9 weeks?! lol

    1. Perhaps the nine weeks includes exam time? I think public school (from memory) finishes a week before exams and the time in between exams is study time.

    2. Maybe! haha "study time" aka time to kill, then cram 24(ish) hours before exam. lolz :P

    3. Exactly! Why study when you can cram? :P

    4. haha :P I thought you were a homeschooler?! :P

    5. I was just getting in the mind of the general public schooler :P

  2. I still will not laugh at Aucklanders. I still will not laugh at Aucklanders. I still will not laugh at Aucklanders. I still will not laugh at Aucklanders.

    I can, however, and will laugh at public schoolers. I can, however, and will laugh at public schoolers. I can, however, and will laugh at public schoolers.

    *moans* School term already?! What happened to those days where holidasy just dragged on and on and on, and you were bored of the school holidays after a week?

  3. pfft Aucklander, I'd rather not be called that but I know that I'm "technically" in Auckland. Stink :(

    I know right! Can't wait for summer. Seriously can't wait. :D

    1. How are the roads up your way holding up? I've heard there's been a few issues with the Northland roads.

    2. Yep a whole heap of potholes have formed, mostly on corners. So you go around the corner and Bam! Too late. It's really only SH1 that's been affected. They're only doing patch jobs, so come summer they're planning on redoing it properly - just because we need more road works around here...

      Thankyou for using the word "northland" makes me a little happier ;)

  4. Lolz you guys...we Aucklanders are pretty cool! :P

    1. mmmhmmm, some aren't too great though. And let's face it, Auckland is a horrible place to be when you aren't used to it lol

    2. some northlanders aren't too great either :P hahaha "when you aren't used to it" #totes

    3. Yeah, there are some pretty dicey northlanders out there....glad I'm not one of them ;) hehehehe
