Monday, 8 December 2014

6 books, who's gonna be lucky #1?!

I would say that summer is panning out to be absolutely beautiful - but today I wake up to rain and a text from a friend saying our dinner plans on the beach may just have to be postponed. But oh well, that is life!

And this rain is blimmen brilliant actually - a bit of rain every couple weeks throughout summer may just keep us from drought this year, as it is, summer has started late up here - which is a good thing! With the payout dropping and continuing to drop, we are noticing that we're losing some big typical summer time jobs. It's not great, definitely not great, but so long as this dry factor stays clear this year, things may not get as bad as they could. Fingers crossed anyway - it's been a crappy year farm wise. However these things just come with the territory, you soon learn to expect them.

Well it's almost 10 am, I'm still in PJ's, haven't had breakfast and I'm already writing my blog - lol. Makes for a nice change! Usually by now, over the past week I would have been recently home from milking, pulling out dried up pieces of cow poo from my hair and wondering how long it'll be until it's actually worthwhile washing it - as I had to milk every day, all week. Running low on water and gas, doesn't make for a nice combination - oh the joys of summer! But hey, today is the first day of no work for me, since Monday, it's been good money wise - but not so great sleep wise. Gosh, the driving just takes it out of me! It's nice not to be up at 5am for a change - but my alarm clock just loves resetting itself back to that time, even though I changed it for 8. *rolls eyes*

I spoke to my chem teacher last week about the last of this work that I've been finishing up. He finally passed the redox, after I had to edit Zinc from Zi to the proper Zn (who does that?! Even spell check on here knows what's right and wrong lol) and he gave me an excellence! Even though I told him I didn't care for the grade - just the credits being in on time. But oh well. He gave me more suggestions for the 1080 report, so yesterday I fixed that up some more and sent it back, saying that's the last of the editing I'm ever going to do, so just mark it. So he's marking it officially today. I get the feeling he's just been pushing me on that one, to get me a higher grade on that too. I didn't do all that he suggested, but most of it. Term ends for the correspondence school tomorrow, so he's no choice but to just get it over with. So once that's been put through, I just need proof of credits so come January if they're not "officially" on NZQA, I should be able to get UE by showing them this proof that they're in, just not "in".
Now I can clean up my office - it's a pig sty - literally. Actually it's probably not that bad - it just needs to be sorted properly, pack up all my school work and file it away in a deep dark room - like the attic.

But that won't be getting done today. Why, you ask? Well there's just the small factor of having books to read! Yes, it's true, I've plenty of time to read now, and I can't wait to get into them. I've had a couple books on my Kobo waiting for me, and still had money on my account that I put into Kobo months ago. So the other day I went wild, and bought three more books! hehe So now the books I've got to read are "The Book Thief", "Death At Pemberley" which is a new release spin off of Pride and Prejudice by P.D. James - apparently he's been studying Jane Austen for years - so that should be really good!
There's "Reconstructing Amelia" by an author I've never read before, but it looks good - I'll get back to you on that one though. "Little Miracles" by Giselle Green, "The Prodigal Sister" by Laura Elliot - two more new authors. and "Secret Lives" by Diane Chamberlain - one of my more favourite writers.

Last Christmas when Mum and Dad got me the E-Reader I wasn't keen - but it is convenient, I'll give you that, and yes, books are much cheaper this way. There are still those really special series that I'll get them all as real books - cover to cover. But I've accustomed myself to this way too. And the great thing with Kobo is that it gets to know what you like, and gives you ideas that it recommends for you. Which is how I get onto these new authors, cos they're similar to what I already like. I do think that I'll be rereading the Mortal Instrument books though. Instead of having to wait for them to become available, I've got all nine books at my fingertips. So I think I'll be going back to starving myself all day, most days, as I'm too engrossed in these beautiful books. It'll be a happy time - until anyone hauls me away from them. So word of warning, I've been waiting months for this, I've finished my schoolwork forever, I deserve this, so stay clear...unless you've got chocolate! :D

So right now I'm thinking of hunting down that chocolate sundae I didn't eat after maccas last night, grabbing my Kobo and getting into it....the questions remains though...What do I read, FIRST?!??!! o.O


  1. Read The Book Thief. Then tell me what its like. I have it on my to read list, but haven't got there yet... :P

    1. I've seen the movie, which is really good - so be rest assured, I'm sure the book is ten times better :) I chose another one though :P

    2. Oh, sad... :P The book is always better than the movie version though aye... :P
      What's it even about?

    3. The movie is pretty awesome :)
      It's another version of the Holocaust, where this girl is adopted/taken in by a German family because her mother was a - I can't remember the exact word - but she didn't want to stand with the other Germans and Hitler. Anywho, the girl is taught to read by this family, and she borrows books and such. I can't really explain it more, it'll be easier for you to just read or watch it :) It's definitely worth it!

    4. Okay, so its one you'd recommend then... But then, most books set in WW2 are interesting... :P

    5. Yep they are! A Painted House is another good one, if you haven't read it at all. These last few years with all my English studies and whatnot, I've partly drifted by the new "fantasy" novels, although they're good, but I've gotten into reading books set in the early 1900's to mid 1900's. Got a bit of WW happening, racism, sexism all that sort of stuff and because they're mostly based on what used to happen, it's quite good to get a bit of an idea of what it used to be like - while also having a good storyline too.

    6. A Painted House? I've never even heard of that one...Who wrote it?
      Yeah, I've found early to mid 1900's, and even late 1900's, to be waaaaa-aaaaay more interesting than "21st Century" literature... :P

    7. John Grisham wrote it, it's really good

    8. Oh well, if its John Grisham, it's definitely going to be good... Never found a book of his I didn't like... :P

  2. Once you've read Death at Pemberley you needa write a review for me :P haha I've read P&P and seen three different movie versions so a spinoff might be fun haha :P ;)

    1. I'm reading that one today, so I'll let you know what it's like :)
