Friday, 17 July 2015

Calves :)

I'm pleased to say that my skills as a calf rearer are still unchanged. The magic touch is still very pronounced after this morning... :P However after seeing the size of these calves, I'm mentally preparing myself for the bruises... o.O

Yay, the joys of calf rearing is set to begin again for this season, as of tomorrow. Apparently there are only four groups inside, so far, meaning that Mum will go and do it herself for now. But, give it a couple weeks and we'll be in the full swing of it!

In the beginning they're cute and all that, but towards the end when you've been doing it for weeks, man they test the patience! But hey, I love them all the same :D


  1. lol, that picture is so true!!! No NAIT tag though... :P

    1. mmm yeah I don't think these are Kiwi calves....never seen tags like those before :P

    2. Um, they look vaguely familiar, but I'm not sure. Our bulls have tags that are similar to that, at least...
      But the eyes. No Kiwi calf has that expression... :P

    3. Hmmm, yup, I do! :P

      So what magic touch have you got, making them drink?

    4. Uh, Yeah, you know, something like that. It's always a positive when they actually decide to stop screaming their lungs out and have a go! Nah, seriously though the newbies from yesterday that I trained this morning, trained like a breeze man. Guide them on, 90% of them stay on. Sighs of relief all round, mostly though because they stopped trying to break their voice boxes... ;P
