Tuesday, 23 September 2014

No interesting title ideas

Today is a marvelous day with some pretty jolly sunlight dancing out there. I've missed it! This continuous rain has been getting extremely vexing with about 10mm more or less every day. As Mum would say, it's driving us all to distraction. Dad is desperate to get out and start spraying out for the crops, but everywhere you go is just a bog. Very dull it is!

But life goes on...and I think it's raining again....*sighs*

Not too much to update here, other than the fact it has been a busy few weeks and still it continues. I voted for the first time on Saturday - as did many of my friends. And success, National got in again. We figured John Key was the better of two evils... I've also joined the Young Farmers club here, paid the (extremely expensive) $70 fee (yeap, I'm tight with money), just so that I could apply for the scholarship the national young farmers board thingy offers. Only $1500 but hey, if I got anywhere with it, it'll go towards a good thing.
     So last night I went with Nick to my first meeting...it was....a tad boring. But that's just cos I didn't know anybody and didn't really know what they were on about. It was a regional meeting too, so about 20 of the higher up members from around the region were there. I think there are four top positions in each club? Chairman, Vice Chairman, secretary and treasurer. And then the four top positions over the whole region. Nick is vice chair in our club, so that is why we went to the meeting, had a nice dinner etc. It was OK.
     Wednesday I've got youth, Thursday night is the district meeting and Saturday is a regional game of paintball that we're going to. I've played paintball before - Nick hasn't. It'll be interesting to see if all of those years on the xBox have paid off! Lol It's gonna be an expensive week though... o.O two dinners out, plus a full day of paintball, and my car is in the doctors again -_- But good thing is that I've now saved up enough money for my teeth!

In other news, my accommodation application is "Complete", as of when I checked yesterday. So that means that I've scored myself a room in one of the three buildings I chose, without any issues otherwise I'm sure they would've contacted me, so I'm in the system! It's quite exciting.

And I've started mowing the lawns again, first time in the back section since early winter. It's just too wet out there, and seeing as it used to be a paddock, that had plenty of fertiliser, and it hasn't been grazed in over a year...it hasn't quite understood what being a lawn is? So as you can imagine....you walk out there and it's just sloshing, and the grass is knee high in places. So inch by inch every few days I go out with the lawn mower and munch a bit more. Yesterday was great cos it was howling a gale...bad thing was that it hooked one of our sheets of glass and smashed it...good thing is that it would've been drying the ground - even if just the hills. It's a start anyhow. In summer the back lawn looks fantastic, right now, a few cows would be handy!

Other good news is that I've only got two biology books left to study! Whoop whoop!!!! Totally have taken a turn for the better with school lately. I've got one internal ready to do as soon as it arrives, the other two books are also towards an internal. Things are picking up. They always do at this time of year :) Chemistry isn't as good, but hey, I'll get there, I always do. Right now I'm feeling full of positive energy and enthusiasm. Quite literally, it's weird. For instance, I get school done, I bounce around the house and decide to mow some lawns. Then I come in and do some baking. Honestly, I feel like there is something wrong with me! I haven't felt like this in months! But it's great!

The weekend had me milking at my favourite shed again, I saw my calves and they look fantabulous. They still weren't fully outside, so on Sunday morning I said to him, just get them out, you can't keep holding off forever. He knew, he agreed but said they were hiding in the shed because it was pouring with rain. I said to him to stop treating them like they're chickens, they'll be fine. They have to go out sometime!
So come Sunday afternoon, it was nice and sunny and I watched them from the yard, put the calves into the closest paddock. It was great, they were running around and throwing up their heels, doing the "heifer dance". Later I told him they looked happy and he said yep, it was on your instruction. (In other words...if it rains tonight....) Lol
They'll be fine. :)

Right now I'm hiding away, freezing my toes off in my office, looking forward to leaving town and going to Uni. Mum says I should decide sooner rather than later on what type of laptop I'll want for then. Then if I got it, I could sit in bed and do my school, rather than freeze in here - as I need to use the internet and my phone isn't the best for viewing things. But I'm a little unsure about getting a laptop, I'd rather wait until I knew that I was going, so I didn't have two computers for no reason! But right now, it is essential that I leave town in February and look at new horizons.
     Don't get me wrong, this is a great little town...but not when everyone thinks you're a catch. And when those who think that aren't too great themselves....Ugh. This person keeps texting me, and ringing, I made the mistake of answering once cos I thought it was a teacher. Now though, I've got the contact name for this number as "don't answer!". I don't reply to the texts now that I know who it is, and when he rang I said I never got the texts and that I was busy and had to go. Since then he's asked me out in a text and I thought he'd gotten the idea when I never replied...that was a few weeks ago. Until today, when he actually called the homeline wanting to talk to me. Umm, nah.
     Mum lied (thankyou Mum!!) and said I was working, and that I was going out with mates tonight (I wish lol).  I wish he'd leave me alone, I'm not one to be rude and say "I do not like you Sam I Am", but soon I'm just gonna have to...some people are very desperate and I don't deserve it! Sheesh

Dad reckons (seeing as everyone in the town is somehow related) that they're looking for new blood. *sniggers* gonna have to look elsewhere mate. So Palmerston North, the big city with lots of people is looking very inviting right now....

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