Friday, 7 November 2014

Year 13: almost done! It's coming up so quick I can almost taste it :D

I know it's only five days since my last post, but I figured, why not?

Everything is going pretty swell here, not that I want to jinx anything...but it's going mostly swell anyhow. School is plodding itself along just nicely. When just a few weeks ago I was freaking about how much I had to do, I'm happy with how far I've come since then. Currently I've just got the pre-assessment for redox that I'm procrastinating on hehe and two actual internal assessments for chem -redox and spectroscopy. Just one booklet left to study for Biology, then the internal assessment/report on homeostasis. Also I've only got to do one more Stats internal assessment, and four more chapters in the booklet for the stats External. Nice! It has come about that I've decided not to bother on one other stats internal, and I also figured to not even consider the equilibrium external for chem, meaning not having to cram any learning for that.
This time on Tuesday I'll almost be finished my final NCEA Chemistry exam, so it's about 3 1/2 days away, so this weekend I'll pull out the studying for it and biology, which is on Thursday morning. Feeling very positive and optimistic.

Although my biology teacher is annoying me quite a bit, with no replying to emails and not sending any marked work back in a while. I'm still waiting to hear that I passed the internal I sat nearly 3 weeks ago, seriously not good enough that I emailed her Monday and she still hasn't replied. So I've emailed her and left her a phone message. Come Monday my learning adviser will be getting a call to see what's going on! Thank goodness I'm not waiting on anything to do with externals o.O

On Tuesday Dad gave mum the complimentary call to state that he'd just been in a head on car accident down the road from us on his way to one of the farms we work on. So we drove down and found that he had been going around a blind corner, come across another car and they smacked into each other. It is a gravel road that is quite skinny, so really only one car can fit on it at a time, it just so happened that he and somebody else went around at the same time and they collided when the brakes locked up on the gravel.  Just as well they were only going slowly, otherwise it could've been a heck of a lot worse. Dad was towing the big trailer with the bike and spray trailer on it, so when he slammed on the brakes the tie-downs snapped, sending it through the front gate - which used to be a nice metal plate, but it was mutilated! And because he got a lift-kit for the ute, there wasn't much damage to it. Thankfully it wasn't twisted structurally and only needs a new front bumper, grill and bullbars and stone guard. The bullbars saved our ute, but they destroyed the other vehicle - a little station wagon and basically acted kinda like an air bag I guess, and prevented a lot of pressure on the ute. I suppose the other vehicle got an unintended nose job!
There were also two babies in the other car, so it was jolly lucky all around. Oh yeah, and calling 111 and saying there was a head on accident, will not only bring the cops which you ask for, but also the Fire Brigade - complete with some trained friends of mine who were hauled out of one of their last days of school - Ambulance and eventually a doctor and a nurse turned up. Two tow trucks also heard about it so they came out too - not that they were needed as the other car lived on the road and was towed back with a tractor. However they were all sent on their merry way to find some more important work to do.

Yesterday Dad spent the day fixing his trailer and my sister came up to plan and make her wedding invitations and whatnot with us. I helped a bit, but mostly did schoolwork. Once her and Mum had figured out what looked best, they got into it, but she was still here until about 7pm doing them, and they weren't all finished either. I think they looked pretty cool, but there's still more work to do on table settings and such. Her wedding has come around pretty quick, been almost two years but that time has flown! We managed to tie in some purple ribbon on the cards that looks very similar to the bridesmaid dresses. :)

Oh yeah, and only two chicks ended up hatching which is a shame - I really wanted to have about 8 or so running around but we always only ever get two or three. But they're still cute and it seems really weird for three chooks to be babysitting only two chicks. Anywho, they're the mothers and nothing I suggest gets taken into account - golly I can barely pick up the chicks without Mumble attacking me. She is the sort of chicken who is so temperamental that she'd probably rip out your eyes and not be guilty in the least!


  1. I want to see those invitations!!! You should email me a pic ;)

    1. haha unfortunately I don't have any here, so once she "gives" us our invites, then I'll be sure to take a picture of it for you :)
