Monday, 24 August 2015

Dreaming Daze

Not too much has been happening lately on the home front. Just the good old feeding calves every day - half way through our sixth week, doing the odd milking wherever I get it, studying when I can stay awake, and trying to keep up with the blogs and emails, so life is somewhat busy but not!
I say to talk about the weather - it's been odd. Raining one moment, sunny the next, then it'll come over black again and we'll find ourselves hiding from the downpour.
I won't say no to a good amount of sun in winter though, quite often you could find me stalking the house seeking it out. On the step into the kitchen until about 10 o'clock, I fight with Pippa over a good warm spot while I have breakfast after work. Sadly though, it doesn't touch my room at this time of year, but Mum and Dads room gets infiltrated with it, thus in the afternoons I fight with both Pippa and  Frodo, over the prime postition - at least I don't need to join them ripping up the exposed underlay on the floor... o.O

Mostly, the calves are good. A little tedious every now and then but some days they can be great. There's this one calf, she reminds me of Pippa at times, she'll look over at me so I'll open up my arms and say "come here!" and she'll bounce over to me. Okay, so she sees me as someone to suck on, but she's still pretty sweet - so I won't flick her off too quickly!

I have been wondering about something lately though, and it got me thinking. There are so many high speed car accidents lately - typically from people going too fast and then losing control, but surely it can be prevented? Basically, I was thinking about portable GPS's and the inbuilt ones in cars nowadays - they can bleep and carry on when you're going over the current speed limit. So why is there not something in your car that can withhold excessive speed? If these GPS's can figure the speed limits, then surely the car could have something that does that too, also why can cars go so fast, when they're designed for day to day driving? Yes, I can understand for places like the Autobahn, but in little old NZ and similar places where our max speed limit is 100km/h, why is there not a speed break in the accelerator? Something that prevents over-speeding...? I know full well that our cars are imported, so it would be difficult to do something for one country but not for another. But they design cars for left and right side driving, why couldn't they create something that is there that can be altered by the maker for whatever country they're going to?
Or in general, why are they still designing motors in cars in this way, they're doing all this inbuilt breath testing units, and the ability to start the car by simply pressing a button. High speed accidents happen continuously, so why aren't they doing something to prevent or lower it? Just a thought.

And a quick note to Xj, while I was driving home today I suddenly remembered a dream I had last night. So jolly weird, but hey, that's my head for you! Basically for some reason, I was sitting an external English exam, that I had literally done nothing for, I didn't even know what I was meant to be doing in it. So it was the day before the exam, and you know how you can look online at the previous years exemplars? I believe they take them offline the day before the exam happens, so in my dream I couldn't even go online to get a slight gist of what I needed to do - gosh, talk about totally strung out. I knew when I was working this morning that I'd had some form of out there dream, but I couldn't remember until I was nearly back home. All I can think is that my nutty head combined the need for me to do my two assignments with what I'd read on Xj's blog that day and thought to itself, "hey! This will be funny, watch this!" and my ears lean in to have a good listen and my mouth just sits there laughing to itself. Lol

I can't wait until summer!!


  1. That thing of car speed restricters is a good idea, I've actually thought of them myself once or twice. Seems so simple aye? the only trouble is, it would need to be government-implemented. If just one brand, say Toyota, were to do that for all their cars, people are going to immediately stop buying Toyotas, because I think quite a few people out there do actually want to speed, even if not by a huge amount, they may just be in a hurry and decide to push it up to 105... But if all car barnds did it, so that it was unavoidable, it would solve so many things. Like, high-speed police chases would be ended, speeding would be ended, if you give them all the breathaliser ignition, drunk driving would ended, simple. But it must be too simple, because no one is exactly doing it yet...

    1. oh cool, great to see some agreement on this one. I somewhat expected you guys to come on being quite realistic about it, and say, 'yeah, it's a good idea but we all know it couldn't work because of this, that and the other'. Nice to know my ideas aren't too unthought of :)
      Yep, it would have to be government implemented, and I believe that it would never be allowed to happen anyway because it would "breach human rights and freedom" too much... *rolls eyes* and it would only be a "in a 10-20 year solution" because lets face it, there are heaps of nearly 20 year old cars still happily driving on the road, that won't be replaced until absolutely necessary. So it would probably take a few decades before 60-90% of the country were all driving speed restricted vehicles. Which, I guess, is the same thing as the breath tester immobilisers...

      Back to good old Simple Simon huh? Seems legit.

    2. I think I actually have thought of that before too. Lol. Just so long as these cars still get up to speed pretty quickly and feel like they have power ;P haha

    3. lol Bee, you speed freak ;) hehe
      Of course they'd still be economic with the ability to get up to speed quickly, but only up to the speed limit at that current time. It'd be great for those sections on the motorway when you don't realise it's back down at 80! :P

    4. Lol Bee, we can still keep the "0-100km/h in 2 seconds" acceleration, the idea is purely electronic. I mean, we'd still keep the engines, for goodness sake! :P Hehe, V8 twin turbos just wouldn't be the same if the top-ever speed was 100km/h. Would take the fun out of it, I agree... :P

      Anyway, yeah, it would definitely be in the 20 year plan, I agree. It would also mean that people would be forced to buy second hand cars if they wanted to speed, which isn't a bad idea... Especially if we did the good ol car crusher for ALL speeders, instead of just boy racers. I like that idea...

    5. umm try 0-100 in 1 second, aye Bee? ;)

      True, true. Although, thinking about that. I don't speed, but I'll admit, there has been the odd occasion where going downhill into a 70k zone, I might have been just over 70 when I hit it - unusual for me. In that case, I definitely wouldn't want good old Ali to be crushed. But if it was a person who was continuously doing crazy things, like boy racers, or someone going more than 10 k's over the limit, I could definitely understand it!

    6. So long as all these crushed cars were recycled in some form - I mean, did you hear about the millions of tyres we're just dumping, instead of melting down into things like new roads??

    7. Yeah, the crusher should only be used on things like 3 strike offences, or maybe 20km over the limit... And yeah, recycled of course. Landfill would just be a total waste of everything...

  2. When did this turn into the old nana blog? ; -)

    1. I guess it really depends what you mean by that - either it's boring you, or you're remarking on a group of older teens believing in driving to speed limits? Well, I'm not too sure.

      If it's boring, in general I'm too overworked and busy to write anything much more interesting - what would you like to see? :)

  3. Not boring, just I don't think controlling speed in that way is the answer. In very limited circumstances you need to speed. The main issue with NZ road deaths is drivers who aren't competent enough in skill, then you have alcohol of course. And unless you can retro fit these devices to a beautiful 1966 Chevy Impala coupe and the like all vehicles on the road will never have them.

    1. Or you have the typically happy go lucky young people who think they can do what they like in a car with little or no experience, yes, who then get caught out. I agree, it wouldn't even be slightly possible to fit them into every car - especially all the oldies! Even so, in those old cars, you'd expect people to NOT speed, just to look after them!

      I suppose it's just a potential means to a neverending end, there will always be something causing the issue, whether lack of skill, speed or alcohol, no one has a chance to stop all of it ;-)

    2. Hmmm, limited circumstances. About all I can think of would be medical emergencies, in which case you'd just have something like a beacon in there, activate that to go fast, but it notifies the police, who will follow up.

      I don't think there is any final solution, but something just to cut back one more incident, and save one more life from a meaningless disaster, would make it something worthwhile...

    3. Think you have to much faith in the NZ police, you would most likely get their assistance quicker if they catch you speeding. The final solution is simple no vehicles at all, no drink driving, no speeding etc. Humans are the problem and always will be.

    4. Hmmm, I would only partially agree with that. No vehicles, well, yes, that would reduce the problem, but at the same time, create a lot more. Humans are the problem? Try human nature. The existence of the actual human being is not the problem...

    5. You can't have humans without humsn nature, will have to agree to disagree on that one

  4. Just a quick google and speed is the highest single factor for road deaths in NZ but in saying that is responsible for around 32% alcohol/drugs 27% worryingly the simple fact of not keeping left makes up 25%.
