Monday, 18 May 2015

Dancing and Birthday

First things first -YF Dancing last week was SO FUN! It was focusing on ball room style dancing, we went for about an hour learning four different stages. Basically there were about 30-40 people of all ages there, about 10 of them were intermediate dancers and were helping teach. The guys were all spread between three lines, and the girls would rotate. Let me just say that dancing with my brother was um, awkward! Especially at the beginning when neither of us got it, then dancing with a couple of the guys I often work with, that was awkward too lol....
When we started getting each stage they'd turn some music on and we'd join all the steps together, then rotate to the next person. It was really fun, spinning and turning and all that, and it was really really easy, once you started to get it. I got a video of all of our YF members dancing with someone at the end of the night when it was just freestyle dancing, and one of our members who goes every week danced with me - this was interesting as he kept throwing in these random new movements to try to keep up with. My brother videoed that, put it on FB and it's had over 200 views. Gee, thanks. haha.

But it was fun enough that I'm going to keep going with it - not every week but I'm definitely going to a few more sessions to learn some more. The idea will hopefully to get Sam and/or Chantelle to go with me or some YF members, to make the drive more worthwhile...

On Saturday Chantelle celebrated her 20th birthday, so I went along and met (for the second time) our good blogging friend Bee! It was so nice to see her again after what, 8? years of knowing her? Yep, it's another example of a small world, with her and I sharing the same friends from years ago and knowing the same people these days. It was fun though, we went to the beach, roasted marshmellows, had pizza for dinner. Watched a cool movie. Then on Sunday I went to church with them (first time going to church since, ummm *coughs* Jan 2014, other than the Christmas eve service I went to). Then we watched another movie with Chantelle, her brother and another homeschooling friend who came over.
I sat there marveling at how old everyone has gotten, I'm basically sitting there going, you guys haven't really changed much but my gosh you've gotten old! I never imagined them being their current ages, lol. I guess that's what happens when you remember everyone from when you yourself were 11 and now going on 20 I guess they should be allowed to have grown just slightly :P

The agenda for this week, try and finish this darned Tractor assessment, there's one section that is really puzzling me - but alas I may just know how to figure it. And finish the reading for my selling and purchasing livestock reading material, along with finding some extra information, leaving next week to type out the 5000 word essay on the topic. It's all due back to Balclutha by the end of the month, so I've little time left!
Oh yeah, and so much organising to do with the YF welcome dinner fundraiser that I'm planning for mid June. The plan is to confirm with another girl what I've got so far (as I decided to get a helper), then go around town distributing all the posters and trying to get sponsors for prizes, and selling tickets. Fingers crossed I can get it all sorted by the end of this week!
Oh and milking on Saturday! Automatic Cup Removers - man I'm gonna be in heaven hehe


  1. Auto cup removers? Gosh, sounds like heaven alright!!!

    And to think that you'll be 20 this year as well! :P

    1. Yeap it sure will be! I've never milked in such a flash shed before, apparently they've got scc checkers on each set too, so it'll be all quite exciting.

      I know! So jolly old :P

    2. Oh and dancing with your bro . . . haven't done that but with my dad was weird lol :P

    3. Waaaaaait a minute... Automatic cup removers? And in some sheds, automatic cup-put-on-ers? This is getting ridiculous... What ever happened to just milking by hand??? :P

      Hehe, in a shed like that, I'd be scared tyo touch anything, for fear of breaking it... :P

    4. Yep, I've never worked around auto cup removers, so it will be interesting to see! Although I've never heard of auto cup-put-on-ers other than the robotic single milking machines, where the cows come in and be milked as often as they wish to, whilst living indoors for a good part of the year...

      I know! It's gonna be so jolly strange, hopefully nothing breaks haha.

    5. Um, yeah, it is basically robotic, but they aren't quite the same as those single milking machines, the cows still only get milked twice daily, but not totally sure how they work beyond that.

    6. We never had anything flash like that. We even had one of those hand pressure pump bottles for the test spray!!!

    7. No we've never worked with anything uberly flash either, and the hand pressure pump bottles are still in use Xj! I actually prefer them, because so many sheds have the drop down springs every so often, but they're so ruined and super difficult to use. Like, you have issues with the nozzles, then the (what's it called? The word is lost on me lol) handle you hold on is often broken or missing, meaning you have to press down the little button from underneath. Not fun!

  2. Dancing sounds like so much fun! ;)

    Yeah was great to catch up on Sat! You have such an advantage with me posting photos on my blog though haha :P
    Lol I know it's weird how much older people have gotten (pretty sure I haven't grown that much :P)

    1. Haha yep I definitely had that advantage :P

  3. Btw... What's the puzzleing section in the tractor assignment? PTOs and fuel usage again??? :P

    1. It's a practical section, where you have to get info on things for any old tractor, as well as provide them the answers for it. Such as from the manual. Problem is, they're asking crazy questions like best fuel economy at what speed? And if you used this implement, what speed would you need to achieve for it to work the most efficiently. All sorts of questions like that. I ask Dad about it in regards our tractor and Dad's like....ummmm???? I don't know?!?!
      Yep, fun stuff!
