Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Freezing Myself To.....

Ok so I'm not quite freezing myself to death, but well, I'm freezing myself to death. Yes, here in the supposed "winterless North", it's freezing. It may not be snowing, it may not be negative degrees, but my gosh. I need a spa! Why am I not already in said spa, probably cos the boys are working on the waterpumps, and thus the spa is currently unusable as they're out there working around it....not cool, actually, very cool! Pun intended, brrr.

I've been keeping myself rather busy, in fact last week was the extreme of business, where Monday was my only day off work. I worked at one farm almost every milking from Tuesday-Friday, with two different people. A couple weeks back I was milking with one person, he reckoned his co-workers couldn't tell the difference between a milked and a non-milked cow. They would have to spray orange paint on the last cow, as soon as the cups were put on her, otherwise when the cups were pulled off, they wouldn't know who was last! At the time I was like, say what?! How can you NOT tell a cow has been milked, I mean, hello!!
Anywho, I had to milk with these two co-workers throughout last week, while the first guy was still in Hawaii, and I remembered about this, as soon as they started spraying with said bright orange paint. It got to the point that the whole hoof, that's right you heard me correctly, was covered in this orange paint, so much so that there was a perfect stencil left on the concrete once she moved her foot! It was crazy!
It is kinda ridiculous though, because this orange paint doesn't wash off, it lasts a fair while, apart from getting covered in mud and such. Imagine eventually having a full row of orange footed cows? Then what would you do??? At least in the other cowshed, as the farm is split in two, they use coloured foam, therefore it washes off. I guess that yeah, it's good for that case, when it's a big shed and the cows are moving out quickly. For the person shutting the gate, sometimes you need to have a good glance to see if she's milked, if you don't have time, the marker is good. But not the bright orange spray that will last weeks.....haha
Then on the weekend I milked in the flash automatic cup remover shed.....I was just like, wow. It was so cool! Apart from getting sore arms from swinging the air canister around each time, and a sore finger from pressing the button to turn it all on each cow, it was cool. And the 2IC who I milked with was just as described, a joker but really nice. Turns out he's married to the older sister of a homeschooling family I grew up with, I never actually realised they had an older sister...This weekend coming, AKA Gypsy weekend and Queens birthday weekend, I'm milking with the boss three days in a row, to cover the stat day too. Should be good!

Oh yeah, I got my tractor assignment done, now to just finish off this last one over the next few days. Trying to freeze to death in my office, as I'm STILL waiting on one of the said males who lives in our house to put Office onto my laptop, meaning I could then do all my typing etc somewhere warm, like in bed. Yesterday that didn't work out too well though, as I fell asleep while reading the material. That isn't my fault though! That's from a typical 'non-drowsy' antihistamine from kicking in and making me tired, plus warm bed equals a tragedy for reading material oh and a broken hair clip - so not cool.
That needed replacing today...speaking of, what is one thing my blogging friends can't live without??


  1. Hmmm... Why don't you put office on your laptop yourself? It isn't hard, and a lot quicker!!! :P

    Hmmm, what I can't live without... You know, this is probably really weird, but I can't live without hills. My second cousin came over from Canada once, and had pictures of where she lived, and not a hill in sight. I just couldn't live like that, I have to have hills. And I'm serious, too, not making it up, as weird as it sounds... Guess I'm just hillophilic.

  2. Well, I would but I can't. It's one of those buy the new version/update online each year one, that has a password and all that. Needs setting up some particular way which I know not of, lol. So yeah. We used to buy the office packages from the likes of noel leeming, but this online one is cheaper overall.

    Hillophilic, interesting lol

    1. Oh right. So you don't have the password?
      Most of those things do a pretty good job of explaining it once you open the startup wizard, but yeah...
      Haha, online is always cheaper these days isn't it... :P

      So what can you not survive without? Other than hair clips?

    2. Oh me? Have the password? Are you kidding?? Lol the guys in my family give nothing up, haha

      Trust me, hair clip is essential for work, it's how I've done my hair nearly for the past year. What else can't I live without? Uuummm good question, my carkeys, :P

  3. My hairbrush :P If I can't find it I make all the little ones search for it with me :P hehe

    1. Yep, I can see why that's important, but you know I think you would suit dreadlocks ;)

  4. *coughcoughsplutterSookyAucklandercoughspluttercoughcough*
    I would not be able to live without books.

    1. Not an Aucklander! I refuse to volunteer as tribute! Bee can take that place! lol
