I can't believe we're already in March, technically Summer is over now and we're in Autumn. Although some people around here would disagree as we've got a late finishing summer this year, but hey. The leaves are all falling down, turning brown and yellow and super crispy. Trust me on this, we're in autumn!
I love this season, the temperatures are perfect being much cooler in the mornings yet it still warms up during the day and all the leaves are falling around everywhere, drifting in the breeze - it's kinda poetic in a way! Although it's slightly ironic that I love a season where everything dies. So as you were reading that you might've imagined peaceful music, which suddenly stopped in my last sentence. Yep, everything is dying, going to sleep, hibernating. And I love it. It probably has something to do with the fact that after three months of summer heat I'm desperate for a change, as I get pretty psyched about Spring too, after dealing with three months of cold. I guess I just like the in between stages of the two extremes.
However, that still doesn't explain why the heck we're already more than two months through the year - I honestly can't believe it.
My first Telford course arrived on Monday, I learned that there are four "courses" throughout the 12 months that I have to do it, and each "course" can take no more than three months to achieve. So by the end of May I need to have the first four modules marked and passed before I can move onto course two. There are 14 units to do, each with varying amounts of credits, there are a few with just 3 credits, most are worth 5 and two are worth 8, apparently to do with varying difficulty levels which all adds up to 65 credits needed to pass.
But it came in this massive folder, each module has an assessment booklet and a small reading booklet of about 30-50 pages and there is the option of using the Telford library for extra reading material. It looks pretty simple in general, I've got one on electric fences (yawn, literally), tractors, one of the many animal health units and one on the sale and purchase of livestock. They're all open book and the first three you basically copy out the tables in the assessment into word and fill it in - easy. However the last one requires extra research and a 5000 word essay. Yep, five thousand words on selling and buying livestock....hmmm, now that's gonna be fun!
I've almost finished the fencing one, just a little more to read then fill out the assessment talking about differing posts, insulators and how many metres this has to be away from that in the case of this happening and whatnot. And I should get the tractor one done next week, leaving to two difficult ones left. The idea isn't to rush them, but get this course done as quick as possible while I'm not too busy, so I can get onto the others early rather than struggling to finish them when I'm overrun with work.
We're now trying to convince Nick to also sign up for it, but he'd start a month after me. Overall, so far, so good!!
I can't wait until April, as we've got ourselves a visitor coming to stay for a short time - Miriam. I offered to her she could stay with us during her mid-term break and the other day she booked the flight to Auckland. I'm quite excited to meet her!! Fingers crossed I won't be too busy during her stay, but the intention will be to teach her to milk hehe. I love teaching people to milk cows for the first time, it's quite fun. :)
Pippa is now going on 7 weeks old on Saturday - she's growing up so fast *sniff sniff*, she's turning into a right little rascal, climbing curtains, hopping in cupboards that don't have doors. She's getting more experienced with being outside and loves chasing the dry leaves around. Miller is still her big friend, if only for the yummy food she gets. Frodo still hasn't accepted her but doesn't give her evil "I'm going to eat you" looks like my darling Cocoa passes on. Cat counseling isn't working so far, but hopefully we can soon convince Frodo that Pip will be a perfect playmate, I won't hold my breath though!!
So are you doing stuff by correspondence? how cool! my daughter is in her 2nd to last year at otamatea and wants to go to uni after that. and yes I love autumn too - definitely not a summer person
ReplyDeleteYep, doing it via correspondence - it's much cheaper than moving all the way down to Balclutha where the institute is, pay thousands for the residence and not have work :) Haha, and it's much easier this way too!
DeleteOh nice, what is she planning on studying?
Essay on buying and selling cows:
ReplyDeleteI went to an auction one day, found a thousand cows I liked and bought them. The first is called Daisy, and the second is called Petal, and the third is called Lily, and the fourth is called Rose (and so on and so forth until you have named a thousand cows). I got into a bidding war with one other farmer, but bet him in the end.
The end. :D
Mmm, but it's a five thousand word essay - so I may need a little bit more than that. Perhaps talk about the weather?? ;)
Deletehehe ya egg head :P lol :D
Well, no, not necessarily. If you use five words to name all thousand cows, then it would be a five thousand word essay. Or more even! :D
DeleteAye, I know. :)
Hmmm, Okay yeah that would work!!! I may run out of names though, unless I take male names and add a "ette" or 'eeta" onto them. Henrietta (which I now realise does exist as a female name but you get my meaning ;P )
DeleteOh, and say hi to Miriam for me! I must send her a text at some point to catch up.
ReplyDeleteI will! It will soon motivate me to work upstairs and sort out the two spare bedrooms and move myself upstairs and make the lounge where Miriam can stay...I'll get there one day... :)
DeleteOne day later...ding dong! "Mikayla! Miriam's here! Have you cleaned up in there yet?"
Deletemrmmm yeah...sorry about that, looks like you're in the doghouse.... o.O hehe